Multicultural Peer Mentorship for Professionals is a 4-month program that matches Mentors working as professionals in their industry in Canada with Mentees who are newcomer professionals striving to find employment in their fields.
Become a Mentor
Find fulfilment in being able to help and support fellow members of your community and further develop leadership and facilitation skills.
Professionally trained
Previous or currently working in your profession in Canada
Willing to commit to 2 mentoring meetings a month for 4 months and join program activities
Click here to download Mentor application form.
Become a Mentee
Learn from the stories and experiences of successful immigrant professionals; improve your knowledge, skills and understanding of the Canadian workplace culture and the environment; establish a wider peer support network within and outside your culture.
Professionally trained
Ready to start working at any time
Willing to commit your time to attend mentoring meetings, follow up with career actions and attend program activities
Click here to download Mentee application form.
Funding is available for eligible students through Alberta Human Services
Delivered in partnership with Association of Colombian-Canadian Professionals of Alberta (ACCPA)
Nigerian Canadian Association of Calgary (NCAC); Nepalese Community Society of Calgary (NCSC); Ghanaian Canadian Association of Calgary (GCAC); Gujarati Mandal of Calgary (GMofC); Rajasthani Association of North America” (RANA), Nigerian South-South Heritage Association.