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Coping with Corona Worries: Emerge as COVID Warriors

Everyone reacts differently to stressful situations. The emotional impact of an unusual or urgent situation depends on the person's characteristics and experiences, their social and economic circumstances, and the availability of local resources.

It is normal to feel sad, distressed, worried, confused, scared or angry when experiencing a situation such as COVID-19. However, signs of severe emotional distress, such as persistent insomnia, interpersonal problems, disabling fear, increased use of alcohol or drugs, indicate you should reach out for help. Reactions to COVID-19 can include:

• sense of being socially excluded or judged

• concern about your children's education and well-being

• fear of getting sick with COVID-19 or of making others sick

• worry about losing your job, not being able to work or finances

• fear of being apart from loved ones due to isolation or physical distancing

• helplessness, boredom, loneliness and depression due to both isolation

and/or physical distancing

• changes in sleep patterns or difficulty sleeping

• worsening of chronic health problems

• difficulty in concentrating

We at CFN acknowledge that fear, stress and worry are normal in crisis and might impaired your mental illness. Being constant advocate of mental health CFN is initiating the Wellness Empowerment Initiative. The aims of this initiative are to build positive mental health by inculcating the capacity of people to feel, think, and act in ways that promote their mental health and enhance the ability to enjoy life and deal with challenges. The learning outcomes will be functioning well, enhance mental health, and participating in meaningful activities and having positive relationships with others.

We will offer series a webinar series about the advancing the benefits of preventative health and wellness. We invite you to join to sign up for these webinars focus on wellness during the Coronavirus pandemic–and shift from fear and anxiety to positivity, resilience and optimism.

Our first webinar of the Wellness Empowerment Initiative is entitled Coping with Corona Worries: Emerge as COVID Warriors and will take place on June 18 from 1:00 to 3:00 PM. Click here to register today.


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