2021 Theme: Volunteer now for our common future
CFN aims to inspire people, whether they are decision makers or citizens of this world, to take action for people and the planet.
International Volunteer Day takes place on 5 December every year to recognize and promote the tireless work of volunteers across the globe. Every day, volunteers dedicate time and effort to ensure the inclusion of those often left behind, drive climate action and advance the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
When people are encouraged to get involved in solving problems, the solutions are more likely to be feasible and lasting. Volunteers engage communities and build a people-centric movement to help build a better and safer future for us all.
For the generations of tomorrow, we must take responsibility for the changes needed to build a better future NOW. Encouraging, recognizing and promoting volunteerism is an important part of creating a more equal and inclusive future for communities and worldwide.
Volunteerism is one of the most vital delivery mechanisms for social, environmental and economic transformation, ensuring a lasting impact with its ability to change people’s mindsets, attitudes and behaviours. People become actors of change and equal partners in the attainment of local, national and international progress towards sustainable human development and global peace. The United Nations recognizes the shared universal values underpinning volunteerism – free will, commitment, equity, engagement, solidarity, compassion, empathy and respect for others.
In the lead-up to #IVD2021, let us celebrate the contributions of the millions who #volunteernow and for information on how you can volunteer with CFN visit centrefornewcomers.ca/volunteer
source: unv.org