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Writer's pictureDavid Anthony Hohol

Calgary Police Service Partners with CFN Once Again

The Centre for Newcomers (CFN) in Calgary has been helping Ukrainian refugees as they enter into our country, leaving behind their homes, belongings and sometimes other family members. They are looking to start a new life in a new country and are in need of basic supplies. If you are able to help a family in need, there are many ways to do so.

How does CPS fit in?

The Calgary Police Service (CPS) is proud to be partnering with the Centre for Newcomers again, as well as the Calgary East Zone Newcomers Collaborative, in response to the Ukrainian crisis. Escaping war and rebuilding a new life needs a welcoming community. We’re asking Calgarians to help in this time of need for Ukrainian citizens who are rebuilding their lives here in Calgary.

Before the pandemic, CPS member Const. Hal Quaidoo and former CPS member Derek Thistle, would organize a clothing drive for gently used men’s suits which would be donated to the CFN to help newcomers and other men in need start their new careers off on the right foot. CPS would facilitate the collection of donations at CPS headquarters and district offices and assist in delivering the items to the CFN.

In order to ensure everyone’s safety and wellbeing, the Suit Drive event has been put on-hold until restrictions allow CPS to safely resume the clothing drive.

Recognizing a need to help Ukrainian refugees right here in Calgary, CPS is continuing its partnership with CFN by asking Calgarians to help by donating various items which will be given to Calgary newcomers.

General items needed:

Essential Welcome Packages and Kids’ Shoe Boxes are just some of the ways the CNF is working to welcome refugees in Calgary. These packages include (new items):

• Bed sheets (queen)

• Bath towels (big and small)

• Toothbrushes and toothpaste

• Sets of shampoo and conditioner, hairbrush

• Set of pots /pans/ kitchen utensils

• Soap, deodorant

• Feminine hygiene products

• Diapers and baby items

• Cups/glasses, plates, bowls; kitchen sponges

• Paper towels (bathroom, kitchen, napkins)

• Dried food and canned goods

• Gift cards for basic household items

Below are the items we need for Kids’ boxes:

How to help and where to drop items off:

Essential items and dried/canned food can be dropped off at:

• CFN’s Village Square location at 2623 56 Street N.E., Calgary, AB T1Y 5J1

• The Immigrant Education Society located at 3820 32 Street N.E., Calgary, AB, T1Y 7L9

Donations will not be collected at CPS locations.

The Calgary Police Service and the Centre for Newcomers thanks Calgarians for their efforts and donations to help make our new Ukrainian-Calgarians settle into our city. We recognize the past two years have been difficult for everyone, and we sincerely appreciate your willingness to help! Please contact Const. Hal Quaidoo with any questions at

source: Calgary Police Service / Public Affairs & Media Relations Unit


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