CFN organized an intergenerational session for ethno-cultural community leaders this past Saturday. This event was a part of CFN's community building and engagement strategy. Youth from diverse communities narrated the unique challenges they face on issues such as stereotyping, culture clashes, racism, exploitation, parental control and more. Community seniors and leaders then delved into how to navigate those challenges.
The event was an endeavour to directly address the struggles of immigrant youth and children, who often feel marginalized even as newcomers try and settle in Canada facing numerous financial, settlement, cultural and linguistic hurdles. For immigrants, parenting is more complex process because it is challenged by changes in family roles, values and a lack of extended family support. An intergenerational conflict arises in terms of divergent expectations of parents and their children.
Having a conversation about these youth issues also gels well with the mission and vision of CFN since we manage two services for the youth -Youth Possibilities Program (YPP) and the RealMe initiative. Some of the outcomes centring on capacity building focused around youth empowerment, evolving a community integration strategy, inter-cultural mingling and providing a positive sense of direction to the new generation.
As many as 49 community members, including 27 youth, drawn from 18 ethno-cultural organizations participated in the event. Some agencies mandated to deal with youth issues were also in attendance. CFN sends out a heartfelt thank you to all who contributed towards making this day such a great success, most especially those young people who are taking an active role in bettering the community and leading their peers and beyond by example. Keep up the great work! For more photos of the event CLICK HERE.