The Alliance for Racialized, Refugee, and Im/migrant Women is an initiative exploring the need and feasibility of forming a cross-country coalition of organizations and individuals who share common priorities in making Canada a just and equitable society for racialized, refugee, and im/migrant women, girls, and gender-diverse people.
The Prairies Regional Roundtable of the Alliance for Racialized, Refugee, and Im/migrant Women will take place on November 16th. Guest speakers include:
Anila Lee Yuen (CEO, Centre for Newcomers - Alberta)
Judy White (University of Regina - Saskatchewan)
Ellen Gahigi (North End Women's Centre - Manitoba)
Guest speakers will share their their activism and research, as well as their perspectives on anti-racist and intersectional feminist alliance-building in the Prairies and beyond.
This moderated panel will be followed by a Q&A period and a facilitated discussion, where roundtable participants will have to opportunity to share about their own work with racialized, refugee, and im/migrant women and gender-diverse people.
The goal of the roundtable is to have a community discussion about the various different initiatives for migrant and refugee rights, gender-equity, feminist and anti-racist movements in the region. This is a bilingual meeting with simultaneous interpretation between French and English. Participants are welcome to take part in either language of their choice.
When: November 16th 2022 from 9-11am MST / 11am -1pm EST
Where: Online - Register here
Why: The Roundtable is an opportunity to:
Learn from guest speaker(s) and participants about successes, challenges, and strategies for anti-racist and intersectional feminist organizing;
Share your perspectives on the priorities and needs of racialized, refugee, and im/migrant women and gender-diverse people;
Connect with other individuals and organizations working with racialized, refugee, and im/migrant communities in the Prairie provinces.
About: Initiated by the Ontario Council of Agencies Serving Immigrants (OCASI) and co-led by a core group of advisory committee members, the Alliance for Racialized, Refugee, and Im/migrant Women is a project exploring the need and feasibility of forming a cross-country coalition of organizations and individuals who share common priorities in making Canada a just and equitable society for racialized, refugee, and im/migrant women, girls, and gender-diverse people.
Their collective work is guided by anti-racist and anti-oppressive practices, intersectional feminist and decolonial principles. Central to these efforts is the recognition of indigenous sovereignty, and commitment to acting in solidarity with First Nations, Inuit, and Métis women, girls, and two-spirited peoples.
To learn more about this project or to ask questions about the event, please contact: