What is United Voices?
CFN invites you to join us for the 3rd annual United Voices: Immigrant Youth Wellness Summit – the first summit of its kind in Southern Alberta. Youth from all backgrounds are invited to register to take part in a fun day including stories from inspirational immigrant speakers, interactive break-out sessions, and more, while learning how to battle the stigma surrounding mental health.
Are you a youth who wants to learn more about mental health? Do you want to learn how to take action against the stigma surrounding mental health? Then you will love United Voices! Learn the skills and gain the confidence to become an advocate for mental health and spark change in your community. Whether you are an immigrant, the child of immigrants, or just want to share your voice, this completely free event will be an afternoon for everyone to come together to end the stigma.
This summit is open to youth from all backgrounds. The summit will be held online so we welcome attendees from across Canada! Registration is required, please click here to register!
United Voices 2021 will be held online on Saturday, November 20 from 1:00-3:30 p.m. (MST). Participation link provided upon registration.
Who is United Voices?
Following are the member organizations as of September 2021
1. Alberta Association of Immigrant Serving Agencies / https://aaisa.ca/
2. Trellis / https://www.growwithtrellis.ca/
3. Calgary Bridge Foundation for Youth / https://www.cbfy.ca/
4. Calgary Catholic Immigration Society / https://www.ccisab.ca/
5. Calgary Police Service / https://www.calgary.ca/cps.html
6. The Immigrant Education Society / https://www.immigrant-education.ca/
7. Calgary Immigrant Support Society / https://www.facebook.com/YYCISS/
8. Calgary Immigrant Women’s Association / https://www.ciwa-online.com/
9. Calgary Local Immigration Partnership / https://www.calgarylip.ca/
10. Canadian Mental Health Association – Calgary Region / https://cmha.calgary.ab.ca/
11. Centre d’Accueil des Nouveaux Arrivants Francophones / http://canaf-calgary.ca/
12. Centre for Newcomers / https://www.centrefornewcomers.ca/
13. Centre for Suicide Prevention / https://www.suicideinfo.ca/
14. Distress Centre / https://www.distresscentre.com/
15. EthioCare / https://ethiocare.ca/
16. Foothills Community Immigrant Services / http://www.ccisab.ca/services
17. Imagine Citizens / https://imaginecitizens.ca/
18. Immigrant Services Calgary / https://www.immigrantservicescalgary.ca/
19. Mental Health Commission of Canada / https://www.mentalhealthcommission.ca/
20. Office of the Child and Youth Advocate / https://www.ocya.alberta.ca/
21. Portail de l’Immigrant Association / https://www.pia-calgary.ca/
22. Alberta Strategy Patient Oriented Research-Patient Engagement Platform- ABSPOR-PE Platform/University of Calgary / https://absporu.ca/patient-engagement/
23. Rotary Club of Calgary Fish Creek / http://portal.clubrunner.ca/947
24. University of Calgary / https://www.ucalgary.ca/
25. YMCA Calgary / https://www.ymcacalgary.org/