Newcomers make a brave choice to move to Canada, to seek a new life and to be part of a dynamic community. It can be exciting and challenging, however, the excitement for many newcomers may diminish as settlement challenges and barriers arise. Settlement services at the Centre for Newcomers help address the needs of immigrants and refugees to make a successful transition to their new home in Calgary.
Settling in Canada
Are you new to Canada? Do you need assistance adjusting to life in Calgary? Keep yourself informed and connected as you settle and become independent. Make your first 3 years in Canada a positive experience.
Visit our News & Events page to learn about cost-free Workshops & Info Sessions available for you.
What does the settlement program offer?
One-on-one needs assessment & counselling
Orientation to life in Canada
Information and referral to community services
Assistance in identifying and reaching your settlement goals
Welcome events and networking opportunities
Volunteer opportunities
Services are also offered in other locations including Saddletowne Library at the Genesis Centre in the NE
How will you benefit?
Learn about services that can help you and your family adjust to life and settle in Canada: health care system, education system, housing, schools, recreation, employment, transportation, banking, laws and regulations, etc
Learn the skills of day-to-day living in Calgary: dressing for the weather, shopping for affordable goods, getting to know your neighbours, and accessing services and resources.
Understand and exercise your rights and responsibilities as new Canadians
Identify goals for your first years and take steps towards successful settlement.
Have fun and share your stories.
Meet new friends and make helpful connections.
Volunteer and discover the many ways you can make a difference.
Do you qualify?
Landed immigrants and refugees who have been in Canada for less than 3 years. Exceptions are made for those here longer but still require settlement assistance.​
Live-in caregivers and provincial nominees with a work permit.
How do you get started?
Settlement services at the Centre for Newcomers are primarily a walk-in service delivered in English and in most major immigrant languages. If you wish services in your first language, please call 403-569-3325 or visit us to book an appointment. Staff members include many newcomers who have made a successful transition to life in Canada, and who can assist on the basis of their personal experience and professional training.
How should you prepare for your first visit?
Make a list of questions.
Bring your landing papers, permanent resident cards, passports, work permit, plus any other legal documents that relate to the immigration of the entire family.
Please call 403.569.3325 or come in person to book an appointment with our settlement practitioner.
Email: settlement@centrefornewcomers.ca